
New Delhi. Makeup Mistakes to Avoid for Good Skin:  We often use makeup to enhance our beauty. With the help of makeup, we get help in highlighting our facial features, which is a good thing, but many times we make many mistakes while applying makeup, which causes a lot of damage to our skin.

On top of that, if you have acne problems, then these mistakes can increase this problem further. Therefore, it is important to be aware of these mistakes while doing makeup. Clinical cosmetologist, Dr. Bhagyashree shared a post on her social media and told what things should be kept in mind while doing makeup (Makeup Do's and Don'ts). Let's know about those things.

Wash your face and hands

Before applying makeup, wash your face and hands thoroughly so that there is no dirt on them. By doing this, the pores of the face will not clog, which will reduce the problem of acne. Also, makeup is easily applied on a clean face and a good finishing is obtained.

Choose non-comedogenic products

Comidogenic are those products that can clog the pores of the skin. Therefore, it is important that you use only non-comidogenic makeup products. This will ensure that the makeup does not clog the pores and the problem of acne will be reduced.

use clean makeup brushes

Always use clean makeup brushes to apply makeup. Dirty makeup brushes or sponges contain bacteria, which causes acne. Therefore, clean the brushes and beauty blenders thoroughly every time after applying makeup and always use clean brushes.

Use a moisturizer

Before applying makeup, apply moisturizer. This will not make the skin dry and the skin barrier will not be damaged. Not only this, it also makes the makeup look smooth, which is very beneficial for the skin.

Cleanse your makeup

Before going to bed at night, always clean your makeup. For this, just using a face wash is not enough. So clean your face makeup properly with the help of cleansing oil or balm and then wash your face and follow your skin care routine. This will prevent the pores from getting clogged due to makeup and will also reduce the problem of acne.
