Udit Narayan: A horrific fire broke out in singer Udit Narayan's building in Andheri West, Mumbai on Monday night. The singer's building Skypanel Apartment in Shastri Nagar, Andheri West, was engulfed in flames at around 9.15 pm. Some videos related to the incident also surfaced on social media which were proof that the incident was very serious. Udit Narayan or any member of his family has not been harmed in the accident, but it has had a deep impact on his mind and he is currently in shock.
"It was very dangerous, anything could have happened"
According to information received from officials, the fire was brought under control after about four hours at 1.49 am on Tuesday night. Udit Narayan told the media that the firefighters tried their best to extinguish the fire. Udit said, ‘The fire broke out at around 9 pm. I live on the 11th floor in A wing and the fire broke out in B wing. We all came down and stayed in the building premises for at least three to four hours. It was very dangerous, anything could have happened. We are grateful to God and our well-wishers that we are safe.’
Singer got mentally affected
Udit Narayan and his family are safe at the moment but the incident has deeply shocked the family. The singer has been mentally affected by this accident and it may take time for him to recover from it. He says, 'When you hear about such an incident, you feel about it, but when you are in a similar situation, you understand how painful it is.'
A similar incident happened with singer Shaan as well
A few days before Udit Narayan, a similar news came about singer Shaan. Fire broke out in Shaan's building late at night and firefighters reached there before a major accident could happen. Media reports said that the fire broke out suddenly in the building due to a short-circuit. Shaan lives on the 11th floor of the building. However, the fire was extinguished before it reached the singer's floor.