
Lifestyle Desk, New Delhi. Scorching sun and intense heat cause many diseases. The entire North India including Delhi is currently in the grip of severe heat. In such a situation, a red alert has also been issued in the capital Delhi regarding heat. Extreme heat can not only cause heat stroke but also heart related diseases. According to a research conducted in the year 2020, problems of cardiovascular system increase with increasing temperature and the risk of conditions like heart attack increases.

The connection between heat and heart attack

According to a report by the American Heart Association in 2017, high temperature increases the risk of ischemic stroke. The functioning of the heart depends on blood flow. The heart has to work hard to pump blood towards the skin, which generates heat and is released from the body in the form of sweat. While this process helps in balancing the body temperature, excessive heat generation makes the heart work even harder, due to which the body may have to face many types of dangerous conditions.

so the risk increases

Due to high humidity, the body is not able to balance the temperature quickly, which puts more pressure on the heart. Apart from just the temperature, there are some other things which increase the risk of heart attack in summer. People are more active in summer, which increases the pressure on the heart. People also do activities like swimming, hiking during this time, which puts pressure on the heart. During this time, people also indulge in unhealthy food like cold drinks, which increases the risk of heart attack.

How to avoid the risk of heart attack in summer

Stay hydrated

Stay hydrated as much as possible. This reduces the pressure on the heart. Do not consume juice, cold drinks, alcohol.

Exercise for a limited time

Do not suddenly start doing strenuous exercise for long periods of time. This suddenly increases the pressure on the heart. Do not exercise during the day when the temperature is high.

Eat a healthy diet

Avoid foods rich in saturated fat or trans fat and snacks with excess sugar and salt. Eat fresh fruits, vegetables, protein-rich foods and whole grains.

Keep the body cool

As much as hydration is important, it is equally important to keep the body cool. Keep your body temperature balanced by using fans, coolers, ACs and taking baths. Eat fruits and vegetables like cucumber, watermelon, muskmelon which have high water content. This prevents the heart from working too hard, which prevents risks like heart attack.

Do not consume alcohol and cigarettes.
