The country's first glass bridge over the sea has been inaugurated in Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu. This glass bridge is 77 meters long and 10 meters wide which connects the Vivekananda Rock Memorial and the 133 feet high Tiruvalluvar statue on the coast of Kanyakumari. Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin inaugurated the bridge on Monday evening. Let us know the features of this bridge.
The first such bridge in the country
This glass bridge built on the beach of Kanyakumari is said to be the first such bridge in the country. This bridge gives tourists a wonderful view of the Vivekananda Rock Memorial and the statue of Tiruvalluvar and the surrounding sea. A tourist official has said that walking on this bridge is a thrilling experience.
Cost of Rs 37 crore
This glass bridge has been constructed by the Tamil Nadu government at a cost of Rs 37 crore. CM MK Stalin inaugurated the bridge on the occasion of the silver jubilee of the unveiling of the Thiruvalluvar statue by late Chief Minister M Karunanidhi. After the inauguration, Chief Minister Stalin, Deputy Chief Minister Udhayanidhi Stalin, state ministers, MP Kanimozhi and senior officials etc. walked on the bridge together to experience it.
The aim is to promote tourism
This glass bridge is being presented as a visionary idea of Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin. Its aim is to promote tourism by providing modern facilities to the tourists. This move is a part of the efforts to develop Kanyakumari as a major tourist destination. Let us tell you that this glass bridge has been built with state-of-the-art technology and is designed to withstand harsh sea conditions including salt air, corrosion and strong sea winds.