
Morning Walk Tips:  Walking is very beneficial for keeping the muscles of the knees strong. It activates muscles like the quadriceps and hamstrings of the knee, providing stability and strength to them. But if you do not wear the right shoes, walk on a hard surface or your walking technique is not correct, then there can be extra pressure on your knees.


This increases the risk of knee pain, swelling or other knee-related problems, which may persist for a long time. In such a situation, it is important to take care of some precautions (Morning Walk Tips) while doing a morning walk, otherwise it can cause harm to health instead of benefit. In this article, we will learn about those things. Let's know.


What things should be kept in mind while doing a morning walk?


  • Choosing the right shoes- The right shoes provide support and protection to your knees. Good shoes are those that have adequate arch support and padding, which do not let the feet hurt while walking. Along with this, the size of the shoes should also be correct, so that there is no pressure on your feet and knees.
  • Start slowly- Start with light and short walks. Suddenly covering a large distance can put extra pressure on the knees. So gradually increase the distance and time of the walk.
  • Adopt correct walking technique- Place your feet correctly while walking. Instead of putting your feet down completely, step lightly and keep your knees straight. This will reduce unnecessary pressure on the knees.
  • Surface selection- Choose a soft and flat surface for walking. Concrete or other hard surfaces can put extra pressure on the knees. Walking in a park or green ground is better for the knees.
  • Stretching and warm-up- Stretch before and after the walk . Stretching muscles such as quadriceps and hamstrings reduces stress on the knees and keeps the muscles flexible. Apart from this, a light warm-up also helps in preparing the body.
  • Control your weight- Keep your weight under control , as excess weight puts extra pressure on the knees. A balanced diet and regular exercise help in controlling your weight.
