We have many types of dreams, some of which are considered good and some are considered inauspicious. In real life too, many people get scared seeing a lizard. At the same time, the dream of seeing a lizard falling on you in a dream can also scare you. Let us know what has been said about dreams related to lizards in Swapna Shastra.
What does such a dream say
If you have seen a lizard entering your house in your dream, then this sign is not considered good. It means that you may have to face some trouble in the coming time. On the other hand, if you have seen a dead lizard in your dream, then there is no need to be afraid, because this dream is considered auspicious. This is a sign that some of your troubles are going to end soon.

Watching a lizard fall
Anyone can get scared by seeing a lizard falling on him in a dream. This dream is actually not considered auspicious. This dream indicates that some trouble is going to come in your life soon. In such a situation, a person should be careful.
this dream is good
If you see yourself killing a lizard in your dream , then this dream is considered very auspicious. It is believed in Swapna Shastra that this dream indicates that the problems going on in your life will end soon. At the same time, seeing yourself chasing away a lizard is also considered an auspicious dream.
obstacle may come
If a person sees baby lizards in his dreams, then according to Swapna Shastra, it is considered an inauspicious dream. It means that you may face obstacles in some of your important work.
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