
Relationships : Nowadays relationships have started changing in many ways. One new trend after another and some new word is heard every day. Sometimes words like situations are heard while others are moving towards sologamy. Now a new trend is being seen among couples which people are searching for a lot. This is a sleep divorce. Giving priority to their sleep, couples are moving towards sleep divorce. Sleep divorce means that partners start sleeping in separate beds so that their sleep is not disturbed and they can get complete sleep. But, many people have started expressing concern about the mutual relationship, sex life, and closeness of couples that it may start reducing intimacy. 

When couples are together in the same room, they sleep together and if both of them start sleeping separately, then it raises suspicions that maybe something is not going right between the couple. But, sleep divorce does not actually mean separation from each other or divorce, it means that partners prefer to sleep separately to get quality sleep. Apart from this, sleep divorce may be required due to different sleeping schedules, due to the other partner moving his hands and legs in sleep, due to a habit of snoring, or due to any sleep disorder. But, good sleep is essential to stay healthy and that is why many partners believe that sleep divorce is beneficial for them. 

Getting enough sleep is definitely a benefit of sleep divorce, but many experts think that sleep divorce can cause distance between couples. If they do not find some other way to maintain their connection then sleep divorce can create distance in their relationship. Sleep divorce can work better only when both the partners agree to it, and there is a lot of love and trust in each other. If this does not happen, the foundation of the relationship may shake. 

If we look at it in another way, lack of sleep not only causes many health-related problems, but it also affects the mood of the person and the person starts becoming irritable. Due to this, anger and irritation come out on the partner even without wanting to. In such a situation, instead of spoiling the relationship, sleep divorce can also prove to be a good thing for strengthening the relationship. It depends on both the partners whether they want to proceed towards sleep divorce or not. If both of them agree and do not allow distance to develop between them, then it can prove to be good for them. 
