Market regulator SEBI issued a circular on November 28 and issued new rules for continuing trading in case of technical problems in NSE and BSE. SEBI has ordered both the exchanges NSE and BSE to act as alternative trading venues for each other. The new rule will come into effect from April 1. SEBI says that trading will be shifted in case of technical problems.
It has been said that in case of any technical problem, the trading on NSE will be shifted to BSE, while BSE's trading will be shifted to NSE. SEBI has said that this rule will be Vice-A-Versa for BSE and NSE. In simple words, in case of a fault in BSE, the trading will be shifted to NSE, and in case of a fault in NSE, the trading will be shifted to BSE. Instructions to submit SOP within 60 days: After discussions with the exchanges, it has been decided that initially NSE will act as an alternative trading venue for BSE and vice-versa, BSE will act as an alternative trading venue for BSE. Besides this, market regulator SEBI has also given instructions to submit the Standard operating procedure (SOP) within 60 days.