
New Delhi : The Modi government has always believed that women's economic empowerment and their participation in the workforce is essential to give wings to the country's economy and to take GDP to double digits. This thinking of the government is also visible in this budget.

Promoting women-led development 

In the budget, provision has been made to allocate more than three lakh crore rupees for schemes benefiting women and girls to promote women-led development. Along with this, emphasis has been laid on training and facilities to make working women's lives easier.

On Tuesday, while presenting the budget, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said that hostels and creches for working women will be set up in collaboration with the industry to ensure women's participation in the workforce. These facilities will increase the participation of women in the workforce.

Apart from this, efforts will be made to organize specific skill training programs for women and promote market access for women self-help group entrepreneurs.

Arrangement for allocation of more than three lakh crores

Modi Government has been talking about women led development from the beginning and this is also visible in the budget. To promote this, an allocation of more than three lakh crore rupees has been made in the budget for schemes benefiting women and girls.

This indicates the government's commitment to increasing the role of women in economic development. A policy to empower women and encourage them to become owners of real estate has also been given in the budget.

Recommendation to reduce stamp duty 

In the budget, the central government has asked the state governments to consider reducing the stamp duty on properties purchased by women, for which the central government will encourage the state governments. However, there has been no significant increase in the total budget of the Ministry of Women and Child Development. In the last budget of 2023-24, the budget of this ministry was Rs 25448.68 crore, which has been increased to 26092.19 this time.
