
Health Tips For Pregnant Women: Papaya is a very nutritious fruit. It contains many types of vitamins, minerals and enzymes, which are very beneficial for health. But you must have heard and probably believe that pregnant women should not eat papaya (Pregnant Care Tips). They are forbidden to eat both raw and ripe papaya. At the same time, some people also say that eating papaya is absolutely safe. To find out the truth of such contradictory information about eating papaya during pregnancy (Papaya In Pregnancy)


Should papaya be eaten during pregnancy?

Dr. Arora said that papaya contains latex, which has the risk of contraction in the uterus. Due to this, there is a risk of abortion or premature delivery . Also, papaya contains papain, which breaks down proteins. Due to this, the fetus can be harmed.


However, it is also important to note that as papaya starts ripening, the amount of latex in it decreases. Due to this, the risk of any kind of harm is greatly reduced by eating ripe papaya in very limited quantity once or twice a week. Therefore, eating raw papaya should be avoided. But some amount of ripe papaya can be eaten during pregnancy.


How much papaya is safe to eat?


According to the National Health Service (NHS), raw papaya should not be consumed in large quantities during pregnancy. But according to a study published in the Obesity and Gynecology Journal in 2018, eating papaya does not cause any harm to pregnancy. Also, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), papaya is also included in the fruits that can be consumed during pregnancy.


Therefore, Dr. Arora said that according to him, eating papaya is absolutely safe . But it should be eaten in limited quantities. You can eat papaya once or twice a week. However, if you feel uncomfortable after eating papaya, contact the doctor immediately. If there is any complication in your pregnancy, then also consult your doctor about it.