
According to the Panchang, the festival of Paush Purnima will be celebrated on January 13 (Paush Purnima 2025 Date). Maha Kumbh is starting in Prayagraj from this day. On the day of Paush Purnima, it is customary to worship Goddess Lakshmi along with Shri Hari. This brings happiness and peace.


If you want to get the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth , recite Lakshmi Chalisa with a true heart on the day of Paush Purnima. This will bring wealth and happiness in life.


Recite Laxmi Chalisa with this method

  • Wake up early in the morning on the day of Paush Purnima .
  • After bathing, wear clean clothes.
  • Light a lamp and worship Lord Vishnu and Mother Lakshmi.
  • Recite Lakshmi Chalisa as per the rituals.
  • Offer fruits and sweets.
  • Pray for attaining happiness and peace in life.


Lakshmi Chalisa. (Path of Lakshmi Chalisa)




Mother Lakshmi, please bless me and reside in my heart.


Fulfill my desire and fulfill my hope.


Sindhu Suta Vishnupriya bowed head again and again.


I bow my head again and again to get rid of Siddhi and auspiciousness.




This is my prayer, I request you with folded hands.


Make everything fragrant in every way, hail mother Jagadamba.


॥ Chaupai ॥


Sindhu Suta Main Sumiraun Tohi. Give me knowledge, wisdom and knowledge.


There is no one as charitable as you. All my wishes have been fulfilled.


Jai Jai Jagat Janani Jagdamba. You are the biggest among all.


You are the resident of every heart. This is our main request.


Mother of the world, Jai Sindhu Kumari. You are beneficial to the poor.


I pray to you every day, Queen. Kindly bless me, Mother of the world, Bhavani.


How should I praise you? Please remember me and forget your crimes.


Kindly look at me with your gaze. Mother of the world, listen to my request.


Giver of knowledge, wisdom, victory and happiness. Remove troubles, our mother.


When Vishnu churns the milk of Sindhu. Find fourteen gems in Sindhu.


You are the ocean of happiness among the fourteen gems. I served the Lord like a servant.


Wherever God was born, wherever he was, he changed his form and served there.


When Vishnu himself took human form, he took incarnation in Avadhapuri.


Then you appeared Janakpur Maahi. Serve the heart bridge somewhere.


If you adopt then you are antaryami. Lord of the world famous Tribhuvan.


You all are not powerful enough. How much should I describe your glory?


I serve with my words and mind. I get the desired result.


Leaving behind deceit, fraud and cleverness, I worship Him in various ways.


And I will tell you the situation. Whoever reads this will get it.


He will not have to face any trouble. He will get the result as per his wish.


Trahi Trahi Jai, remover of sorrow. May you lose the bondage of threefold heat.


One who reads this Chalisa and gets it recited, should listen to it attentively and recite it.


No disease troubles him. He gets wealth and property like a son.


He was without a son and property. He was blind, deaf and leper and very miserable.


Call the Brahmin to recite the hymns. Doubt should never enter your heart.


He gets Chalisa recited every day. May Gauri Sagar shower his blessings on him.


One gets a lot of wealth and happiness. There is no shortage of anything.


He who worships for all 12 months, there is no one as blessed as him.


I recite this every day in my mind. There is no one like him in the world.


How can I praise you so much? Let me take the test with full concentration.


Having faith in this vow, it becomes successful and love grows in the heart.


Hail Hail Hail Goddess Lakshmi. The virtue that pervades everyone.


Your brilliance is the strongest in this world. I cannot think of anyone as kind as you.


Now take care of me, the orphan. Remove my troubles and give me devotion.


Forgive me for my mistakes. Please give me a glimpse of your condition.


Officers are worried without seeing him. You are the one bearing the heavy sorrow.


I do not have knowledge or wisdom in my body. You know everything in your mind.


Taking the form of four arms, now please relieve me of my troubles.


How can I praise you? Knowledge and wisdom do not give me much.


Ramdas, now I am calling out to you. Please remove my troubles.




Trahi Trahi Dukha Harini Hari Begi Sab Traas.


Jayati Jayati Jai Lakshmi, destroy the enemy.


Ramdas meditates and prays with full force every day.


Mother Lakshmi, please have mercy on your servant.


This Lakshmi Chalisa is complete.