
Exercises For Weight Loss: As easily as weight increases, it is equally difficult to reduce it. To lose weight, people go to expensive gyms and sweat for hours. But in today's hectic life, people are not able to find time for this. However, some people try to lose weight by just changing their diet, which is impossible. It is difficult to lose weight by just dieting. Exercise is necessary for this.


If you are short of time and are not able to go to the gym for weight loss, then we have also brought some indoor exercises for you. By making them a part of your routine, you can easily lose weight sitting at home. Let us know about those exercises in detail-



This is an effective core exercise that strengthens the abdominal muscles. Plank also helps in burning fat easily. To do this, keep your body in a straight line. Now take support on the palms and toes. Keep your body straight and keep the stomach tight. Stay like this for at least 30 to 60 seconds. Repeat this process three times.


Mountain Climber

Mountain climber can easily reduce belly fat. This is a type of cardio, which helps in toning the body. To do this, you have to sit in a high plank position. Now keep the back straight and the core tight. After this, bring the right leg to the chest. Go back to the same position. Repeat the same process with the other leg.



For years, jumping rope has been considered the best way to lose weight. Jumping rope can easily reduce the fat accumulated on your stomach and other parts of the body. First, practice jumping rope for five minutes. Gradually increase the time.


do push ups

Push ups are considered the best exercise for weight loss. It helps in reducing obesity from your entire body. To do this exercise, you have to lift your body above the ground. You also have to apply force. Your force helps in reducing fat. Initially, do 20-25 pushups. However, later it can be increased to 40-50.