Noida:After the Lok Sabha elections in Noida, the authority has come into action. In the last 24 hours, the Noida Authority freed the encroached land worth more than Rs 260 crore from the land mafia. The mafia had illegally occupied 8,000 square meters of land and constructed a house in the submerged area near the Hindon River near Prithla Khanjarpur village. The Bhulekh Department team of the Authority and the Work Circle team, taking joint action with the police force, demolished all the illegal constructions. The estimated value of the free land is estimated to be around Rs 48 crore.
Khasra numbers 59, 60, 61, and 62 of Basai village, plot number 27A in Sector-68 which was planned for the park. It was illegally occupied by the land mafia. The Noida Authority team freed the land from encroachment by demolishing the construction on 4,500 square meters of land and the boundary wall of the tin shed. The value of this land is said to be around Rs 34 crore.
The team of the Noida Authority stopped the illegal construction being done in front of Motherhood Hospital Sector-48 on the spot and demolished the shuttering. Officials of Work Circle-3 of the authority have lodged an FIR against the encroachers in the police station. The campaign launched by the authority has created a stir among the land mafia and encroachers.
On Sunday, the authority passed a notice on the complex built at Khasra No. 514 in Hajipur and gave instructions to register an FIR against the illegal encroacher. Apart from this, instructions were given to seal illegal buildings within the limits of Maharishi Trust on Khasra numbers 217, 225, and 226 in Bhangel.
At the same time, in Salarpur, illegal construction was being done on about 30 30,000 square meters of land in Khasra numbers 700 to 715 were demolished. The estimated cost of this land is estimated to be around Rs 180 crore. Illegal shops were built on this land. Here the illegal construction was demolished by deploying two to three JCBs and a heavy police force.