STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections) are infections caused by bacteria, viruses or other microbes that spread through sexual activity. These diseases include HIV, gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis, genital ringworms, HPV and trichomoniasis. In many cases, these can take such a serious form that a person may even lose his life. Therefore, it is very important to avoid these infections (STI Symptoms). Let's know what are the symptoms of STIs and ways to prevent them (STD Prevention).
What are the symptoms of STIs?
- Itching, burning, or pain in the private parts
- Abnormal vaginal discharge
- Abnormal bleeding during periods
- Pain while having sex
- Burning sensation while urinating
- Fever
- Tiredness
- swollen lymph nodes
If you notice any of these symptoms, contact a doctor immediately.
What to do to avoid STIs?
Practice safe sex
- Always use a condom during sex. Condoms are effective at preventing most STIs, but they don't guarantee 100% protection.
- Use a condom even during oral sex .
- If you're going to have sex with a new partner, talk to them and learn about their sexual health.
Get regular checkups
- Getting regular health checkups helps treat STIs.
- If you are sexually active, get a health check-up at least once a year.
- If you have any symptoms of an STI after having sex with a new partner, contact a doctor immediately.
Take the vaccine
- Vaccines are available for some STIs, such as HPV and hepatitis B.
- If you are sexually active, ask your doctor if you need these vaccines.
Adopt a healthy lifestyle
- Adopting a healthy lifestyle can help strengthen your immune system , which may help protect you from STIs.
- Exercise regularly, eat a healthy diet, and get plenty of sleep.
Talk it out
- Talking openly with your partner about each other's sexual health will go a long way in protecting you from STIs.
- don't be embarrassed
If you notice any symptoms or think you may have an STI, don’t be embarrassed.
The sooner you contact a doctor, the sooner you can treat it and prevent the infection from spreading.