
Neem Leaves For Uric Acid: Neem has been known in Ayurveda for centuries for its special medicinal properties. Regularly including neem leaves in the diet not only provides relief from problems like joint pain and swelling caused by uric acid, but it also detoxifies the body and strengthens the digestive system.


The anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory properties present in neem leaves help the body fight many diseases. Come, in this article, let us tell you in what ways neem leaves can be used to reduce high uric acid (4 Ways To Use Neem For Uric Acid).


Neem leaves are beneficial in uric acid

  • Antioxidant: Neem leaves have anti-oxidant properties that protect the body from free radicals. Free radicals can cause inflammation in the body and increase uric acid levels.
  • Anti-inflammatory: Neem leaves have anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce inflammation. These properties are very beneficial in reducing inflammation caused by uric acid.
  • Diuretic: Neem leaves act as a diuretic, which means they help eliminate excess water and toxins from the body. This can help eliminate uric acid from the body.

How to use neem for uric acid

  • Neem leaf tea: Drinking neem leaf tea is an easy way to reduce uric acid. You can make tea by boiling some neem leaves in water and then filtering it. You can drink this tea twice a day.
  • Neem leaf juice: You can extract juice from fresh neem leaves and mix it with water and drink it. Neem juice is very effective in reducing uric acid levels.
  • Neem leaves powder: You can make powder by drying and grinding neem leaves. You can consume this powder by mixing it with water or by mixing it with curd.
  • Neem oil: Applying neem oil to the skin may help reduce arthritis pain.

take care of these things

  • It is important to consult your doctor before including neem leaves in your diet.
  • Pregnant women and breast-feeding women should not consume Neem.
  • Consuming neem leaves in excess quantity can cause upset stomach, vomiting and diarrhea.