
Chinese machine gun  China has always tried to put pressure on its neighbouring countries like America and Taiwan by making new weapons. The dragon has done the same thing once again. China has put America in worry by making the world's most powerful machine gun. 


The Chinese machine gun 'Metal Storm' has such features that you will be amazed to hear about it. According to reports, it will have more than five barrels which can fire 4 lakh 50 thousand bullets every minute. 


100 times more powerful than American guns

The machine gun made by China is considered to be the most powerful in the world. In fact, till now the most powerful gun weapon system 'Phalanx' was with America. This American machine gun can fire only 4500 rounds per minute. This means that China's new machine gun is 100 times more powerful.


Why is this machine gun special?

  • The special thing about China's machine gun is that it can even stop hypersonic missiles.
  • Not only this, one of the biggest drawbacks of the American machine gun is that it can fire millions of bullets, but loading ammunition in the weapon became a big challenge for the army. 
  • Now China has found a solution to this problem. Researchers in Taiyuan found a solution to this problem and created a magazine like container in which barrels are filled.
  • Each barrel can be loaded with millions of bullets, which are later disposed of along with the container.

What is the technology behind firing so many bullets?

  • This Chinese machine gun fires 7500 bullets every second. Due to this, it does not have a mechanical trigger. Due to this, Chinese scientists have created a contactless trigger, which uses a coil.
  • This trigger melts the alloy of the bullets, which creates a high energy jet which explodes and fires in 17.5 microseconds. This is the reason why this machine gun can fire 4 lakh 50 thousand rounds per minute. 

This concept was discovered by an Australian researcher

The complete plan of this working method of the machine gun was made by Australian researcher Mike O'Dyer in the 90s. According to Dyer, 36 barrel systems can be installed in the machine gun so that 10 lakh bullets can be fired from each barrel.


China had offered $100 million to acquire this technology in 2006, but America won the race and took this technology from Dyer. However, due to technical reasons, America could not complete this project. China, on the other hand, started working on it from then on and finally succeeded in making a 100 times more powerful machine gun.