According to the Hindu calendar, Masik Kalashtami (Masik Kalashtami 2024) is celebrated on the Ashtami date of Krishna Paksha in every month. Many devotees also observe fast on this date to obtain the blessings of Kaal Bhairav.
Thus, this time the monthly Kalashtami of Magha month will be celebrated on January 21. In such a situation, if you want to get the blessings of Kaal Bhairav Dev on this day, then you can recite Kaal Bhairav Ashtakam for this.
Kalashtami auspicious time (Kalashtami 2025 Muhurat)
The Ashtami Tithi of Krishna Paksha of Magh month is starting on 21st January at 12:39 pm. Also, the Ashtami Tithi is going to end on 22nd January at 03:18 pm. It is customary to do the Kalashtami Puja in Nishita Kaal. In such a situation, the fast of the monthly Kalashtami of Magh month will be observed on Tuesday, 21st January.
Kaal Bhairav Ashtakam
Vyalayajnasutramindushekharam kripakaram.
Naradadiyogivrndavanditam digambaram
Kashikapuradhinathkaalbhairavam bhaje॥॥
Bhanukotibhasvaram Bhavabdhitarakam Param
Neelkanthmipsitarthadayakam trilochanam.
Kashikapuradhinathkaalbhairavam bhaje॥॥
It is believed that by reciting Bhairav Ashtakam, you not only get the blessings of Bhairav Dev, but also the evils of life are removed and you also get benefits in your health.
Shyamkayamadidevamaksharam niramayam.
Bhimavikraman Prabhu Vichitarandavpriya
Kashikapuradhinathkaalbhairavam bhaje॥॥
Bhuktimuktidayakam Prashatcharuvigraham
Bhaktavatsalam situated in all the worlds.
Kashikapuradhinathkaalbhairavam bhaje॥॥
Dharmasetupalakam Tvadharmamargnashakam
Karmapashmochakam susharmadayakam vibhum.
Kashikapuradhinathkaalbhairavam bhaje॥॥
On the occasion of monthly Kalashtami, this Ashtakam should be recited by those who are troubled by enemies or who are afraid. If you wish, you can also recite Kaal Bhairav Ashtakam regularly. You may see benefits in your situation by this.
Nityamdwitiyamishtadaivatam niranjanam.
death mirror karaldanshtramokshanam
Kashikapuradhinathkaalbhairavam bhaje॥॥
Ashtasiddhidayakam Kapalamalikadharam
Kashikapuradhinathkaalbhairavam bhaje॥॥
Bhootasanghnayak Vishalkirtidayakam
Kashivaslokpunyapashodhkam vibhum.
Nitimargakovidam Puranam Jagatpatiam
Kashikapuradhinathkaalbhairavam bhaje