Sri Sri Ravishankar (Spiritual Guru, Art of Living). A youth is one who is always ready to face the challenges of life. One who is always enthusiastic. If a youth waits for everything to become easy in his life, then he will not be called a youth. Spiritual knowledge and meditation play a big role in facing the challenges of life without being afraid of them. Spirituality is not worship, prayer and sadhana. Spirituality is where our self-confidence increases, where no one seems alien, where human values flow naturally in life and where unwavering faith and unwavering strength awakens within us.
Spirituality is our root. Spirituality increases self-confidence. You have all the virtues like stability, patience, bravery, compassion, kindness etc. within you, but they need some time and an opportunity to develop. You can get that time and opportunity by practising 'meditation'. Meditation will calm your mind and you will see all these qualities developing within you.
Often the youth think that the important things will be boring. That is why the youth are more influenced by the attractions of the world instead of spirituality. But in reality it is not so. Spirituality is not boring. Whatever is more attractive than the world is spirituality. If a person has to rise above the attractions of the world, then the path should also be so attractive that all the other unnecessary things are left behind easily. On the spiritual path, all unnecessary things are left behind automatically.
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The youth should understand that without inner depth, nothing will happen in life and no success will be achieved in any work. To be successful in work, one should be introverted and focused. When you become introverted, then life will become strong and you will be happy. Whatever you think, that work will start happening. When Sattva increases in life, then Sankalp Siddhi starts happening automatically. We never have to face defeat. When Sattva increases, then you can conquer the world. You overcome all kinds of challenges with a smile. When we connect with the universal consciousness through spirituality, only then we get success in work.
The direction of life of the youth depends a lot on their company. Our life is like water. It takes the form in which you mold it. The company you keep determines the flow of your life. If you engage your mind in gossiping, it will start gossiping; if you make it angry, it will remain angry. If you put your mind in the bag of worries, it will remain worried. When you put your mind in the bag of greed and avarice, the mind keeps thinking, “Hey, he earned this much, this one did this much, I should do this much.”
Even if there is no reason, we find some reason and life goes on like this. But when you go to satsang, your energy becomes positive. When you sit in satsang, your whole consciousness changes. Your mind becomes positive and is filled with enthusiasm, vigor and devotion. When you put your mind in the environment of devotion, you become devotional. And in this way, when we put our life in love and spirituality, our whole life becomes loving and spiritual.
Today's youth get caught in the habit of addiction for a few moments of pleasure, but the pleasure derived from such habits is momentary. There is no joy in it, instead regret, sadness and dullness come after some time. Our path in life should not be such that it is filled with dullness or no joy. Both the goal and the path of the path should be joyful. The path that has fun and joy is the spiritual path.
That is why there is a tradition for sadhus, sanyasis and mahatmas to add Anand at the end of their names. This is because they have adapted to satsang and have become ecstatic. Once those who get the taste of meditation, Sudarshan Kriya and spiritual knowledge, then they feel that there is so much joy in this, why did we not experience it before.