January Pradosh Vrat 2025: The fast of Trayodashi of every fortnight is called Pradosh Vrat. Shiva Puja done during Pradosh Kaal on this day removes the inauspiciousness of all the planets. The time after sunset and before the arrival of night is called Pradosh Kaal. According to the Puranas, observing this fast leads to better health and long life. Know when Pradosh Vrat will be observed in the first month of the new year, January 2025.
When is Pradosh Vrat in January 2025?
First Pradosh Vrat - The first Pradosh Vrat in the month of January is on 11th January 2025, this day being Saturday, there is a coincidence of Shani Pradosh Vrat (Shani Pradosh Vrat 2025). Those who worship Shiva on this day get relief from the inauspicious effects of Shani's Sadesati and Dhaiyya.
- Paush Shukla Trayodashi date starts - 11 January 2025, 8.21 am
- Paush Shukla Trayodashi date ends - 12 January 2025, 6.33 am
- Pradosh Kaal Puja Muhurta - 05.43 pm - 08.26 pm
Second Pradosh Vrat - The second Pradosh Vrat of January is on 27 January 2025, this day being Monday, there is a coincidence of Som Pradosh Vrat (Som pradosh vrat 2025). Som Pradosh Vrat is observed for getting child happiness, early marriage and happiness in married life.
- Magh Krishna Trayodashi start date - 26 January 2025, 8.54 pm
- Magh Krishna Trayodashi date ends - 27 January 2025, 8.34 pm
- Pradosh Kaal Puja Muhurta - 5.46 pm - 8.34 pm
How did Pradosh Vrat get its name?
According to the mythological story, Moon had tuberculosis, due to which he was suffering from death-like pain. Lord Shiva cured him of that defect and gave him life again on the day of Trayodashi. Therefore, this day came to be known as Pradosh. By observing Pradosh fast, all the sins of a man are washed away and he attains Shiva Dham.