
New Delhi. Face Packs for Acne:  Acne has now become such a problem that almost everyone is struggling with at some time or the other. Usually, it is associated with hormones, but lifestyle and diet also play an important role behind it. These can also cause acne. There are many types of acne and some of them can also leave marks on the face.

Due to this, a person's self-confidence may also decrease and he starts considering himself less beautiful. So if you are also looking for a natural remedy to avoid acne, then we are going to tell you about some such face packs, which will provide protection from acne and will not harm the skin.

Neem and Turmeric Face Pack

Both neem and turmeric have antibacterial properties. Therefore, they help in fighting acne. Not only this, neem also has anti-fungal properties and turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties, which help in curing acne quickly. To make this face pack, mix a pinch of turmeric in neem powder and make a paste. After this, apply it on your face and wash it with water after 10-15 minutes.

Bentonite Clay Face Pack

This clay absorbs oil from the skin and cleans the dirt hidden in the pores, so that they do not get clogged and acne and pimples are reduced . You will easily find it in the market. To make this face pack, mix bentonite clay in water or rose water and make a paste. Now apply it on your clean face and let it dry for 15 minutes. After this wash it with clean water. This will clean all the dirt from the skin and the face will also look glowing.

Cinnamon and Honey Face Pack

The antibacterial properties present in honey help fight acne. Also, it helps in eliminating the bacteria that accumulate in the pores and cinnamon has anti-inflammatory properties, which help in reducing the inflammation of acne. This helps in healing acne quickly. To make this face pack, mix cinnamon powder and honey to make a paste and apply it on your face. Leave it on the face for 10-15 minutes and then wash it off with water.
