Social media has become an unbreakable bond of our lifestyle these days. People nowadays wake up in the morning and first of all check their social media. At the same time, their night companion is also social media and the reels on it.
These days people keep scrolling reels on social media platforms like YouTube, Instagram throughout the day to pass their time and for entertainment. However, this habit of watching reels causes great harm to your health. Due to this, you can not only become mentally ill, but it can also increase your BP. This has been revealed in a recent study.
What does the study say?
A recent BMC study has found a surprising link between watching reels at night and hypertension . The study found that people who watch reels or short videos at night are at a higher risk of having high BP. This research included 4,318 people from China, who were mainly of young and adult age groups.
Rils cause high BP
The aim of this study was to determine whether there is a relationship between the time spent on screens while sleeping and any change in people's blood pressure levels, especially high BP. In this sequence, the study revealed that watching short video content for a long time before sleeping was more likely to cause a person to suffer from high BP. Not only this, using the screen till late night can act as a trigger for heart-related diseases, especially high blood pressure in the current young generation.
What does the doctor say?
Bangalore-based heart health specialist Dr Deepak Krishnamurthy gave his opinion on the results of the study. He told on the social media platform X that apart from being a distraction and a waste of time, reel addiction also causes high blood pressure among youth and adults. In such a situation, he also advised to uninstall apps and platforms promoting such short videos.
How do reels become the cause of high BP?
The study also revealed how the habit of watching reels increases the risk of high BP. In fact, traditional screen time, which includes watching television, playing video games or working on a computer, usually leads to some physical activity, but in contrast, watching short videos on mobile does not involve any physical activity and hence there is a possibility of increasing problems like hypertension.
How to protect yourself?
According to the researchers who conducted the study after the results of the study, the youth should be aware of the time of screen use before going to sleep. This will not only reduce the risk of high BP, but it will also improve your overall health along with better sleep. Along with this, the researchers also advised people to follow a good lifestyle with habits like regular exercise, healthy diet and stress management.