Bollywood's veteran actor Govinda is known for his brilliant characters. Whenever his films are mentioned, films like Raja Babu, Coolie No. 1, Jis Desh Mein Ganga Rahta Hai and Bhagam Bhag are remembered. Some interesting stories related to the career of Govinda, who gave superhit films in Hindi cinema, are often heard. His pairing with most of the actresses on the big screen was very much liked.
All the stars of the film world want to work in Sanjay Leela Bhansali's film, but Govinda once refused to work in his film. Yes, this incident is related to the film Devdas and now after years the reason behind it has been revealed.
Govinda had rejected the film Devdas
Govinda got an offer for Shah Rukh Khan's film Devdas. The character was Chunnilal which was later played by Jackie Shroff. Now the actor's wife Sunita Ahuja has revealed in an interview to Hindi Rush why her husband turned down the role offered to him in the film Devdas.
Sunita completed her statement by saying, Govinda was a popular star of the 80s and 90s, he has the desire to be a superstar. He will not do such small roles. He politely refused to do the film. If I were in his place, I don't know what would have come out of my mouth.
govinda's upcoming movies
Govinda has given many great films in his career and now he has many big projects. The actor told about his upcoming movies in The Great Indian Kapil Sharma Show. He announced three films. This includes the names of films like 'Len Deen: It's All About Business', Pinky Darlings and Baatein Haath Ka Khel.