Delhi Fraud Case: Delhi Police has arrested two people who were involved in cyber fraud through social media by posing as CISF officers. According to the police, the names of the accused are Ganga Sharan alias Sagar and Sahil. Both are residents of Gokulpuri police station area of Delhi. Police have also recovered four smartphones and 28 SIM cards from them.
Direct contact via Facebook
According to the police, Denzil Mathew, a resident of Vasant Kunj police station area of Delhi, had complained that a person contacted his father through Facebook Messenger. The person who contacted introduced himself as a CISF officer and said that he has been transferred to Jammu and Kashmir. Therefore, he is selling TV, air conditioner and other household items through the online platform OLX. The fraudster also shared his mobile number with the victim. After getting deceived, the complainant's father first transferred 14 thousand, then 7 thousand and later about 5 thousand rupees. After which the fraudster switched off his mobile number.
Arrest made through technical surveillance
According to Delhi Police, during the investigation, the police first put OLX's advertising department and social media under surveillance and later also put the number through which the fraudsters had committed fraud under surveillance. Finally, a dedicated team of police arrested the accused from Gokulpuri.