New Delhi. In Sanatan Dharma, the festival of Gupt Navratri is considered very auspicious and beneficial. Only a few days are left for the beginning of Ashadh Gupt Navratri. During this time, the devotees worship the 10 Mahavidyas of Maa Durga. It is said that by worshiping Mata Rani, all unfulfilled desires are fulfilled. Along with this, auspicious results are obtained.
This year Ashadha Gupt Navratri (Gupt Navratri 2024) will start on Saturday, July 6, 2024. At the same time, on this auspicious occasion, recitation of Siddha Kunjika Stotra is considered very fruitful, which is given here.
..Shiva Uvach..
Listen, O goddess, I will tell you, the best of the key stotras.
By the power of this mantra chanting of Chandi becomes auspicious.
No shield, no nargala stotra, no key, no secret.
Neither Sukta, nor meditation, nor renunciation, nor worship.
By merely reciting the Kunjika one obtains the fruits of reciting Durga.
Very secret, O Devi, rare even among the gods.
It should be kept secret with effort like one's own womb, O Parvati.
Killing, deluding, subduing, stabbing, licking, etc.
By mere recitation this excellent Kunjika Stotram is accomplished.
॥Atha Mantraḥ॥
ॐ Aim Hrim Klim Chamundayai Vichche. Om Glou Hum Klim Jum Sa:
ज्वालय ज्वालय ज्वल ज्वल प्रज्वल प्रज्वल
Aim Hrim Klim Chamundayai Vichche Jval Hum Sam Lam Ksham Phat Svaha.
॥This is the mantra.
Obeisance to you in the form of Rudra, obeisance to you, crusher of honey.
Obeisance to the destroyer of the cats, Obeisance to the destroyer of the buffaloes.
Obeisance to Thee who destroyest Shumbha and who destroyest the demons Nishumbha.
For I am awake, O great goddess, perfect my chanting.
This is the form of the universe and is the protector of God. ॥3॥
O Klinkari, in the form of desire, in the form of seed, I offer my obeisances unto Thee.
Chamunda and Chandaghati and Yaikari bestower of boons.
Vicche and ever-giving fearlessness, O form of mantras, I offer my obeisances unto Thee.
Dham Dhim Dhum Dhurjate's wife Van Vim Vum Vagadhishwari.
Kram krim krum Kalika, O Goddess, sham shim shum, bestow upon me good fortune.
Hum hum roaring in the form of Jan Jan Jambhnaadini.
Bhram bhrim bhrum Bhairavi Bhadre Bhavani I offer my obeisances unto Thee.
Aam Kan Chantam Tam Pan Yam Sham Vim Dum Aim Vim Ham Ksham
Dhijagra, dhijagra, trot, trot, make it shine, make it shine. Svaha.
Pam Pm Pom Parvati Purna Khan Khin Khun Khechari and so on.
O goddess saṁ siṁ suṁ saptasati grant me the fulfillment of my mantra.
This is the Kunjika Stotra for the purpose of awakening the mantra.
It should not be given to an undevotee Protect what is kept secret O Parvati
But he who recites the seven hundred without the key, O goddess.
Like crying in the forest he does not attain perfection
This is the complete Kunjika Stotra in the Gauri Tantra of Sri Rudra Yamala, in the conversation between Shiva and Parvati.