
In the Bhagavad Gita, we find the description of the knowledge given by Lord Krishna to Arjuna on the battlefield. This knowledge proved beneficial for Arjuna at that time and is serving as an inspiration for every person in today's time. In such a situation, let us know that according to the Gita, what are the things a person should not be proud of, otherwise he can never move forward in life.


There is never any progress

Many people are proud of their knowledge. In the Gita, Shri Krishna says that knowledge always comes with humility. In such a situation, a person should never be proud of his knowledge, because if one does this, the knowledge does not last for long. A person who is proud of his knowledge can never progress in his field.


Arrogance can become a problem

Some people are proud of their wealth and through this they try to belittle others. But in this context, it is said in the Gita that a person who does this is never happy. Because wealth does not stay with someone forever. If you have a lot of wealth today, then tomorrow someone else will have it. So keep this in mind especially.


This quality does not last a lifetime

Beauty does not stay with you for the whole life, so it is useless to be proud of it. Even in Shrimadbhagwadgita, Lord Krishna says that a person should never be proud of his beauty, because external beauty can impress anyone only for some time. On the other hand, if your mind is beautiful, then it affects others for a lifetime.