
Green Cardamom Benefits: Spices have a special place in the Indian kitchen. They not only enhance the taste of food but are also very beneficial for our health. One of these is green cardamom. Known for its captivating aroma, green cardamom not only adds a different taste and aroma to various dishes but is also full of health benefits.


The seeds found in cardamom have many medicinal properties, which are beneficial for our body in many ways. It boosts metabolism and helps in fighting many health related problems. Let us know in detail what are the benefits of eating green cardamom after dinner every day (Hari Elaichi Khane ke Fayde).


Why is cardamom beneficial after dinner?

Improves digestion


The oils found in cardamom stimulate digestion enzymes, which improves the digestion of food. It can help relieve digestive problems like constipation, acidity and gas. Apart from this, the antioxidants present in cardamom help in keeping the digestive system healthy.


Eliminate bad breath

Cardamom has antibacterial properties that help kill the bacteria present in the mouth, which are the main cause of bad breath. Chewing cardamom after dinner will keep your breath fresh.


Reduce stress

Cardamom contains certain compounds that help reduce stress. It works by increasing serotonin levels in the brain, a neurotransmitter that helps improve mood.


Beneficial for the heart

Cardamom contains minerals like potassium and magnesium which help control blood pressure. It can also help reduce the risk of heart diseases .


Helps in weight loss

The fiber in cardamom makes you feel full for a longer period of time, which makes you eat less and helps you lose weight. In addition, cardamom can also help increase your metabolic rate , which increases the rate at which you burn calories.


Apart from this, eating cardamom daily also strengthens your immune system because the antioxidants present in it protect the body from free radicals. Also, it contains some elements that also improve the quality of sleep by reducing stress.
