
US President Donald Trump has taken many decisions as soon as he took oath, which has surprised the world. One of these is also about citizenship. In his decision, Trump decided that children born to illegal immigrants in America should not get American citizenship.


His move is different from America's 150-year-old citizenship law. Although the court put a stay on it, Trump has once again made a big statement about citizenship. He showed sharp attitude and said that 'the birthright citizenship law is not to increase the crowd in America.


Birthright citizenship was for slaves: Trump

Donald Trump said in a press conference held in the Oval Office of the White House that 'if we look back, birthright citizenship was for the children of slaves.' He said that illegal immigrants coming here and giving birth to children and getting citizenship will not work. He cannot allow them to come here, give birth to children and create a 'crowd'.


Trump decided on citizenship immediately after taking oath

As soon as Trump took the oath, he issued an order against birthright citizenship. The next day, a federal court in Seattle struck it down. Trump said he would appeal against it. Trump expressed hope that the Supreme Court would rule in his favor.


Trump claims - we will win in the Supreme Court

Trump said that birthright citizenship did not mean that people from all over the world should come and 'crowd' here. He said that ineligible and unqualified people are coming here, whose children may also be ineligible. He expressed confidence that we will win on this issue in the Supreme Court. On the other hand, the Center for Immigration Studies estimates that in 2023, 2.25 lakh to 2.50 lakh children were born to illegal immigrants.


Republican senators introduced the bill

Meanwhile, Republican Party senators Lindsay Graham and Ted Cruz, along with Katie Britt, have introduced this citizenship bill. It was said in this that the birthright citizenship law is being misused. There are only 33 countries in the world that give birthright citizenship, including America. According to the Center for Immigration Studies, it was said in the bill that the children who have received birthright citizenship in 2023 are 7 percent of the total number of children born in America.