New Delhi. These days, due to the changing lifestyle, people are falling prey to many problems. Obesity is one of these problems, which is troubling many people around the world these days. If it is not controlled in time, it can cause many serious health problems. In such a situation, people make lemon water a part of their routine to lose weight. Many people drink lemon water as soon as they wake up in the morning. Adding honey to it and drinking it is a great way to start a good day.
Some people believe that drinking lemon water in the morning gives them instant energy and they remain recharged for the whole day. Although lemon water is a refreshing drink, after drinking it the mood becomes fresh and the body gets cool, but it is important to confirm that it reduces weight. Let us know how correct and effective it is to drink lemon water to control weight-
Weight loss and lemon water
- There have been many researches according to which drinking lemon water has an effect on weight. Drinking lemon juice mixed in lukewarm water in the morning increases the body's metabolic rate by 30%, which helps in controlling weight.
- Lemon water also has a low-calorie content. In such a situation, it is better to drink lemon water instead of drinking any high calorie drink, so that fewer calories enter the body and the weight remains under control.
- Lemon contains vitamin C, which makes it a good antioxidant, which provides the body with adequate amounts of vitamins and helps burn fat while exercising and also boosts immunity.
- The pectin fiber present in lemon makes you feel full for a long time, which prevents you from feeling hungry quickly and reduces cravings. In this way also it helps in controlling weight.
- Lemon water keeps the body hydrated, which keeps the weight under control . According to a research, people who are dehydrated are more likely to suffer from obesity.
- Dehydration also affects digestion, hence consumption of lemon water also helps in the smooth functioning of the digestive system.
Too much lemon water is also harmful-
Not just lemon, regular and excessive consumption of any citrus fruit affects the enamel on the upper layer of teeth and thus can weaken the teeth due to acid erosion. So avoid drinking too much lemon water.