
New Delhi. Many people like betel leaves very much. Whenever it comes to betel, Banarasi betel is definitely mentioned. Apart from being excellent in taste, it is also very beneficial for health. Betel leaf is also called beetle leaf and it is found at every paan shop in India. Most people eat it as a mouth freshener with catechu, lime, cherry etc. If you are also one of those people who are fond of eating betel, then let's know some surprising benefits of chewing betel leaves-

Let's know the benefits of betel leaf-

  • Calcium, vitamin C, carotene, riboflavin, niacin, anti-oxidants, and chlorophyll are found in betel leaf, which provides many health benefits.
  • Chewing betel leaf with fennel, cardamom, and cloves after eating helps in digestion. It also removes toxins present in the food and works as an excellent mouth freshener.
  • Soaking betel leaves in water overnight and drinking that water in the morning relieves constipation and improves bowel movement.
  • Boil cloves, cinnamon, and betel leaves in water and filter it. Drinking this water provides relief from sore throat , cold, and cough.
  • Eugenol present in betel leaf reduces bad cholesterol in the body.
  • The compounds found in betel leaves boost metabolism and reduce body fat, which helps in controlling weight.
  • Making a paste of betel leaf and applying it to the scalp removes dandruff.
  • Betel leaves, rich in anti-oxidants, keep the pH level of the body balanced, which provides relief from stomach-related problems .
  • Antibacterial properties are found in betel leaves, which are very beneficial for the oral cavity. Along with eliminating bad breath, it also prevents the production of bacteria in the mouth, which prevents tooth decay.
