
Along with the outbreak of dengue and malaria, swine flu infection has knocked in Prayagraj. The health department has become alert after the death of a 70-year-old woman of the city suffering from swine flu in Medanta, Gurugram. However, the health department has not yet received the official information of the woman's death. It has been learned that the woman was a resident of Muhviganj, who also had problems of hypertension, BP, sugar. The department has decided that if any person is found affected by swine flu, then proper investigation and proper treatment will be arranged.

District Surveillance Officer Dr. Varun Kwatra said that if any suspected swine flu patient is found in any locality of the city, he will be treated by home isolation. The sample will be sent to Lucknow to confirm swine flu. Beds have been reserved for patients suffering from infectious diseases in SRN, Bailey and Colvin hospitals.


Kit will be ordered for investigation

Motilal Nehru Medical College Principal Dr. Vatsala Mishra said that after the rains, the outbreak of infectious diseases increases. There is a risk of swine flu along with dengue and malaria. The guidelines for prevention, testing and treatment of swine flu will be followed. Swine flu will be tested in the microbiology department. Test kits have been demanded from the government.


Doctor sir, please check if I have swine flu

People suffering from fever, cough and cold in SRN are worried about the possibility of swine flu. Patients who came for treatment in the OPD of the medicine department on Saturday told in conversation that the fear of swine flu has increased more than dengue and malaria. Sudhir, who came for treatment from Bahria, told that he has been suffering from cough along with fever for the last three days.


protect yourself like this

According to doctors, swine flu is an infection caused by a virus. Its symptoms mainly include fever, cough, sore throat, body ache, chills and fatigue. To prevent this, cover your nose and mouth while coughing or sneezing. Wash your hands with soap and water. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth repeatedly.