Industrialist Gautam Adani on Sunday met Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Vishnu Dev Sai and announced an investment of Rs 65,000 crore in Adani Group's power and cement projects in the state.
According to a statement issued by Chhattisgarh's Public Relations Department, Adani met the Chief Minister at his official residence in Raipur. During this, he announced a plan to invest Rs 60,000 crore for the expansion of Adani Group's power plants in Raipur, Korba and Raigarh in Chhattisgarh. This expansion will increase Chhattisgarh's total power generation capacity to 6,120 MW. Additionally, the Adani Group has committed to invest Rs 5,000 crore to develop and expand its cement plants in the state. On the advice of Chief Minister Sai, Gautam Adani assured support of Rs 10,000 crore in the fields of education, health, skill development and tourism in the state in the next four years. This investment will be made under Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and beyond.
The meeting also discussed potential partnerships in areas such as defence equipment manufacturing, setting up of data centres and global capability centres. This investment will not only boost Chhattisgarh's economic development but will also open up new possibilities in the field of employment and infrastructure in the state.