
Once again China is in the headlines. It has been in the news since the news of a new virus coming out here. Here a person has been infected with orthonaerovirus, which also affects the brain. Meanwhile, another shocking news has come from here. Actually, a strange and worrying case came to light here, where a cockroach got stuck in the throat of a person (Chinese Man Inhales Cockroach). Everyone is shocked after hearing this incident. Let's know what is the whole matter-


A shocking case surfaced in China

This incident is from Haikou, China, where a 58-year-old man suddenly woke up while sleeping (Man Inhales Cockroach While Sleeping) when he felt something crawling in his nose. Later it was found that a cockroach was stuck in the person's throat. According to a local news outlet, the person was sleeping comfortably at night when he woke up due to a strange feeling. After this, when he felt something strange in his throat, he tried to cough and then went to sleep again.


foul smell coming from mouth

After this, he was following his lifestyle like everyday, but after three days, despite following a good oral hygiene, he felt a strange smell from his mouth. After this, the person also started coughing with yellow mucus, due to which he had to go to the doctor. Initially, he went to an ENT expert, but the problem could not be diagnosed. In such a situation, due to persistent symptoms, he reached a hospital.



Cockroach stuck in throat

At the hospital, a chest CT scan was performed, which revealed a shadow on his lower lung lobe. Upon further investigation, the doctor performed a bronchoscopy and what was revealed was shocking. The doctor who looked at the case told, "During the procedure, something with wings was seen in the bronchus, which was interpreted as a cockroach."


Do not be careless at all

After identifying the cockroach, it was carefully removed from the person's throat. Also, the jug was cleaned thoroughly so that the foul smell coming from his mouth could be removed. At the same time, the doctor treating the person in the case advised that if you ever suspect that something is stuck in the throat or respiratory tract , then immediately consult a doctor without delay.
