
These days the problem of fatty liver is increasing rapidly. Changing lifestyle and carelessness towards food or wrong eating habits are making people victims of this problem. This is a serious condition, which can prove fatal in many cases. In such a situation, it is important to identify it in time.


When any disease or problem occurs, our body starts telling about it. Often many such signs are seen in the body, which tell about these diseases. However, many times we either are unable to identify these signs or sometimes delay in identifying them, due to which we have to suffer serious consequences. Many signs are seen in the body even when there is a fatty liver, some of which are visible on the face. Today in this article we will tell you about these signs visible on the face-


Spider Veins

If you see dilated veins on the skin of the face and body, then it can be a sign of fatty liver . These dilated veins are called spider veins because they look like a spider's web. The veins appear dilated due to accumulation of fat in the liver, due to which blood flow slows down and the veins become more visible.



According to a study in the journal Biomedicine, one in five people suffering from fatty liver problems experience itching, which can usually occur on the face. However, scientists are still trying to find out the cause of this symptom.


darkening of skin

As fatty liver disease progresses to cirrhosis, other skin problems can develop. These include acanthosis nigricans, or darkening of the skin, which typically appears on the back of the neck. This is because people with fatty liver often have insulin resistance, or trouble using insulin effectively, which is the main cause of acanthosis nigricans.



Having a fatty liver can also lead to rosacea, a chronic skin condition. In other words, a fatty liver can cause inflammation of the hair pores on the face, leading to the development of rosacea symptoms such as redness, acne, and irritation.



When fatty liver reaches its last stage, symptoms of jaundice start appearing. Due to this, yellowing of the skin and the white part of the eyes starts appearing. This is the result of the liver not filtering bilirubin properly, which causes jaundice.