In Sanatan Dharma, the time of Kharmas is considered very special. It occurs twice a year. According to the zodiac, this is the first Kharmas of the year. It is said that any kind of auspicious work like marriage, engagement, mundan, griha pravesh and new business etc. should not be done in Kharmas, because it can cause hindrance in those works. Let us tell you, this period (Kharmas 2024) lasts for one month.
In such a situation, if you want that no inauspicious effect falls on you, then worship Sun God in a proper manner. Also pay attention to some important things, which are mentioned here.
Can one wear new clothes in Kharmas or not?
It is said that during Kharmas (Kharmas 2024) all types of auspicious and new works are stopped. This is why shopping is prohibited during this period. This is the reason why both buying and wearing new clothes during this period is considered inauspicious. At the same time, people who have already bought clothes should also avoid wearing those clothes.
However, this time is considered very good for religious activities and worship . Therefore, it is advisable to do as much worship as possible at this time.
All auspicious works will start from this day (Kharmas 2024 End Date)
According to the Panchang, this year the Sun God will change his zodiac sign to Sagittarius on Sunday, December 15 at 10:19 pm. The entire period of transit is called Dhanu Sankranti. According to the Panchang, this year Kharmas started on December 15 and it will end in the year 2025 when the Sun God will enter Capricorn (Tuesday, January 14).
Sun God's Arghya Mantra (Kharmas 2024 Surya Dev Pujan Mantra)
- Om Adityaya Namah
- Om Adityaya Vidamahe Divakaraya Dhimahi Tannah Surya: Prachodayat.
- Om Hreem Hreem Surya Sahasrakiranrai, the desired fruit of the body, Swaha