UP News: A shocking incident has come to light from Krishna Nagar in Lucknow, the capital of Uttar Pradesh, where the relationship between mother and daughter has been put to shame. A 15-year-old girl started giving sleeping pills to her mother just because her mother forbade her from talking to a boy from the neighbourhood. The girl wanted to talk to the boy from the neighbourhood without any fear, so she started mixing sleeping pills in her mother's food.
The girl's mother used to run her own boutique and work as a cook at people's houses, while the girl's father is not there. For the last few days, the mother's health started deteriorating continuously and she started having problems sleeping with weakness and fatigue. When she consulted a doctor, the doctor said that she had taken excessive sleeping pills. The mother was shocked at this. The mother said that she never took sleeping pills, then when the family members started investigating after getting suspicious, then this act of the daughter came to light.
During interrogation, the girl confessed that she wanted to talk to a boy from the neighbourhood but her mother had banned the use of mobile phones due to which her conversation was stopped. Hence, she planned to keep her mother unconscious and hence resorted to sleeping pills. The girl confessed that she used to mix three-four pills in her mother's food every night and put her to deep sleep and after her mother slept, she used to chat with the boy on the phone for hours through Instagram. Currently, after the matter came to light, the teenager is being counselled at Lok Bandhu Hospital.
After permission, the girl was kept for a week and counseling was done.
Archana Singh, manager of One Staff Center at Lokbandhu Hospital, told ABP News that in this case, after permission from CWC, the girl was kept for a week and counseling was done. Currently, the girl has confessed her mistake. The girl said that she felt lonely so wanted to talk to someone, during this time she made friends. Archana Singh said that the circumstances are very serious today. After being busy with their work, people remain busy with their phones when they reach home and do not give time to their children.
He advised that parents and family members should start giving time to children so that children can share their problems with them..CMS of Lokbandhu Hospital Ajay Shankar Tripathi told ABP News that when the matter came to light, the girl has been counseled, currently the situation is fine and the girl has been handed over to the family.