Director Aditya Sarpotdar received a lot of praise for his film Munjya. Sharvari Wagh and Abhay Verma were seen in lead roles in this film. It was a horror comedy film which was well liked by the audience. Now Aditya is coming up with a treasure hunt series named 'The Secret of the Shiledars'. Aditya is known for his excellent direction and storytelling. This is a story of loyalty, bravery and dedication.
Which actors will be seen?
In the teaser of the series, it was shown that Rajiv Khandelwal is made a part of an organization. He is given the responsibility to become a Shiledaar and protect the treasure of Chhatrapati Shivaji. Sai Tamhankar will be seen in the lead role with him in the film.
Talking about the show, Aditya said, "Growing up, I was always fascinated by stories of adventure and history. Such stories always made me curious. One such curiosity led to the beginning of The Secret of the Shielders."
When will the film be released?
The series will release on Disney Plus Hotstar on January 31, 2025. The trailer of The Secret of the Shiledars was recently shared on social media platforms. The story of the series is full of courage and mysteries. The series is produced by Nitin Vaidya under the banner of Dashami Creations LLP. The whole story of the series revolves around the Shiledars, who were trusted protectors and veterans. These people played an important role in shaping the Maratha era under Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj.
Sai Tamhankar expressed happiness
Talking about her role, Sai Tamhankar said, “I am very happy to be a part of a story that tells the story of the Maratha and Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj legacy. I have been hearing a lot of stories since my childhood. Every time every story makes me feel proud. The legacy of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj belongs not only to Maharashtra but to the whole of India and hence I wanted to be a part of it. I am extremely grateful to Disney+Hotstar for giving me this opportunity and I am looking forward to the release of the show.”