Yoga Poses For Muscle Pain: Do you also spend your day staring at the computer screen in front of your desk? If yes, then it is obvious that sitting in the same position for a long time can cause muscle strain and pain. Sometimes if the way of sitting is wrong, then there can be a problem of nerve compression. Therefore, to avoid these problems, it is very important to do stretching daily.
What can be better than yoga (Yoga Poses For Stretching) to stretch the body. Doing yoga reduces muscle tension and also relieves pain. In this article, we will learn about some yogasanas (Yoga Poses To Reduce Muscle Pain), which will help in relieving muscle pain and stretching the entire body and increasing flexibility.
Yoga asanas to relieve muscle stiffness and pain
Balasana (Child's Pose)
- This asana is very helpful in opening up the back and shoulders and reducing stress .
- Bring your knees to the floor and sit with your buttocks on your heels. Place your forehead on the floor and keep your arms relaxed along your body.
- In this position, take a few deep breaths and exhale.
Camel Pose
- This asana is also effective for opening the back and shoulders and reducing stress.
- Place your knees on the floor and lift your buttocks up. Hold your ankles with your hands and slowly bend backwards.
- In this position, take a few deep breaths and exhale.
Downward-Facing Dog
- This asana is good for stretching the entire body and reducing stress.
- Place your hands and feet on the floor and lift your buttocks up. Place your head between your hands and press your ankles toward the floor.
- In this position, take a few deep breaths and exhale.
Corpse Pose
- This asana is most effective for completely relaxing the body and reducing stress.
- Lie on your back and spread your legs comfortably. Place your hands on the sides of your body and close your eyes.
- Take a few deep breaths in and out in this position, and allow your body to completely relax.
Virabhadrasana (Warrior Pose)
- This asana is good for strengthening muscles and increasing flexibility .
- Place one foot shoulder-width apart and angle your front foot at 90 degrees. Extend your front hand forward and your back hand backward.
- In this position, take a few deep breaths and exhale.