New Delhi. Sana Khan, who has retired from the film world, has a huge presence on social media. After marriage, she said goodbye to Bollywood. Last year, the actress became the mother of a son, whom she named Tariq Jamil. Sana did not show the face of her beloved for a year. Now she has finally shown the face of her son to the world.
Sana Khan married Surat businessman Anas Saiyad in the year 2020. On July 5 last year, Sana gave birth to a son. She keeps sharing her motherhood journey on social media after the pregnancy phase. She also shows glimpses of her son, but she kept his face hidden. Now after a year, she has revealed her son's face.
Sana's son's face was seen during Hajj
Sana Khan has gone on Haj pilgrimage with her family these days. Sana has shown the face of her beloved son Tariq at this holy religious place. She has shared a video of Haj pilgrimage on her Instagram account. The clip is full of beautiful moments of Tariq. Sometimes he is seen sleeping on his father's shoulder and sometimes he is having fun.
Bharti Singh showered love
This cute video of Sana Khan's son has won the hearts of fans. Celebs are also showering love on Tariq's innocence. Bharti Singh commented with a lot of emojis, "Cute." Kishwar Merchant has shared a heart emoji. Apart from this, fans have showered love on Sana's darling through Mashallah, cute and love emojis.
It is known that Sana Khan has worked in films like Salman Khan's Jai Ho, Wajah Tum Ho and Toilet Ek Prem Katha. In October 2020, Sana said goodbye to Bollywood.