
The Krishna Paksha of Ashwin month is dedicated to the ancestors. During this time, the ancestors are worshiped. At the same time, tarpan and pinddaan are done to liberate the ancestors. According to astrologers, Pitru Dosh occurs when the ancestors are unhappy. Due to Pitru Dosh, a person has to face many types of problems in life. Along with this, the financial condition also becomes worse. It is contained in Garuda Purana that the ancestors are pleased by offering tarpan to the ancestors during the Shradh Paksha . With their grace, all the spoiled work of the seeker is done. Apart from this, one also gets freedom from Pitru Dosh. If you also want to get rid of Pitru Dosh (Pitru Paksha 2024), then while offering tarpan to the ancestors, do recite Pitru Dosh Nivaran Stotra.


Pitru Dosh Nivaran Stotra

Ruci said: I offer my respectful obeisances to the forefathers, who are the chief demigods in the shrāddha ceremony.

Even the gods are satisfied with those who offer shraddhas and offerings to the dead

I offer my respectful obeisances unto the forefathers in heaven, who are satisfied by the great sages.

Those who desire enjoyment and liberation by devotion to the mind of Shraddha.

I offer my obeisances to the forefathers in heaven, whom the perfected ones satisfy.

In shraddhas he was adorned with all kinds of divine beauty necklaces

I offer my respectful obeisances unto the forefathers, who are worshiped with devotion even in the most secret ways.

Those who desire to be made of Him attain the ultimate and supreme prosperity.

I offer my respectful obeisances unto the forefathers, who are always worshiped by mortals on this earth.

They bestow the attainment of the desired worlds with faith in shraddhas.

I salute the ancestors who are always worshiped by the brahmins on earth.

They bestow the Prajapatis for the attainment of the desired objects.

I offer my respectful obeisances unto the forefathers, who are satisfied by the inhabitants of the forest.

By performing shraddhas in the forests and by eating austerities one’s sins are washed away.

I offer my respectful obeisances to the forefathers, the brāhmaṇas, the faithful and the celibates.

Those who are always satisfied with the self-controlled meditations.

I offer my respectful obeisances unto the forefathers, who satisfy the kings by performing shrāddha rituals.

They are the fruits of the three worlds according to the rituals performed by innumerable poets

I offer my respectful obeisances unto the forefathers, who are always worshiped by the Vaiṣṇavas on this earth.

They were always engaged in their own activities with flowers, incense, food and water.

I offer my respectful obeisances to my father, who is worshiped by śrāddha and śūdras.

They are satisfied in this world by the name of the good times.

I offer my respectful obeisances to the forefathers who are in the underworld by offering oblations to the great demons.

They are always satisfied with their own food and give up pride and intoxication

I offer my respectful obeisances unto the forefathers who are worshiped in the nether world by offering oblations to the demigods.

They enjoyed innumerable pleasures according to the rituals of the serpents who desired their desires.

I offer my obeisances to the forefathers who are always satisfied with snakes by offering shraddhas.

There, in accordance with the rituals, they chanted mantras and enjoyed the wealth.

They dwell directly in the world of the gods and in the sky in the worship of the fathers.

And may those on earth who are worshiped by the demigods and others grant me what I have brought.

I offer my obeisances to the Fathers, the Supreme Souls, who dwell in the aerial chariot in form.

The yogis worship the vehicles with their immaculate minds for the causes of liberation from suffering.

I offer my obeisances to the fathers and to those idols in heaven who hold the offerings and seek the fruits of desire.

Those who are able to grant liberation to all desires in the unconscious.

May all those fathers who grant desires to the willing be satisfied in this.

Being a god or an Indra or more, having sons, cattle, own strength and houses.

Those who always dwell in the rays of the moon in the reflection of the sun and in the white plane

May your ancestors be satisfied with this and may they go from here nourished with food, water, fragrance and other offerings.

Those who are satisfied with the sacrificial fire and the oblations, who eat the vessels of the body of a brahmin.

May those who attain joy by giving remains be satisfied with the waters raised by the ancestors in this world

Those who are fed with sword meat, desired wines, black sesame seeds and divine delights.

May those who are satisfied with the best of the great sages in time and vegetables go here to enjoy themselves.

The rest of the poems were very much desired by those who worshiped the immortals.

Let their presence be here in the food and drink I have prepared for the fragrance of flowers

Those who receive it day by day are worshiped at the end of the month and those who are worshiped on earth in the eight days.

May my ancestors who are worshiped at the end of the year and at the beginning of the year be satisfied here

They are the moonlight of the lotus for the venerable brahmins and the color of the new sun for the kshatriyas

Similarly those of the kings who gave gold and those of the Sudras who were blue

They are all in this by offering me flowers, fragrance, incense, food and water.

And may they always be satisfied with the sacrifice of fire to the ancestors I bow to them.

Those, O God, who eat the poems and auspicious offerings for the sake of excessive satisfaction.

They are satisfied and the creators of the universe are satisfied in that I bow to them.

You are destroying rakshasas ghosts and demons and also the auspicious ones of the people

May the first of the gods, worshiped by the lord of the gods, be satisfied in this, I bow to them.

The Agnishvattas, the Barhishadas, the Ajyapas and the Somapas.

May the ancestors be satisfied with this shraddha

May the hosts of the ancestors from the fire protect my eastern direction

May the priests and the forefathers protect me in the south

They drink the Ajyapa in the west and the Somapa in the north.

From rakshasas ghosts and devils and also from the faults of demons

May Yama, lord of them everywhere, protect me.

The universe is worshiped by the enjoyer of the universe, the righteous, the blessed, the beautiful-faced.

The nine hosts of the ancestors who give blessings and create blessings.

The auspicious is the doer of the Kalpas and the Kalpa is the refuge of the Kalpas.

These six groups are mentioned as the sinless one who is the cause of perfection.

He is the best of the best, the giver of boons, the giver of nourishment and the giver of satisfaction.

Visvapata and Dhata, and these seven hosts.

The great, the great, the great, the glorious, the mighty.

These five hosts also destroy the sins of the ancestors.

Another bestows happiness and wealth and another bestows righteousness and another bestows prosperity.

This is also said to be the fourfold group of the ancestors

Thirty-one Pitris who pervade the entire world.

May they who are not satisfied with me be satisfied and always give me good.

Mārkaṇḍeya said: While he was thus praising the Lord, the amount of his effulgence increased.

Pradurabhuva usually covers the sky: ..

Seeing that, a great effulgence covered the entire universe.

Ruchi fell on his knees and chanted this stotra

Ruchi said to the forefathers of the immaterial and the immaterial whose effulgence was effulgent

I always salute those meditators with divine eyes.

He was the leader of Indra and others and of Daksha and Maricha

I offer my obeisances to those seven sages and others who bestow desires.

The sun, moon and moon are among the sages like Manus and Indra.

I salute all the ancestors in the oceans

of the stars and planets, of the wind, fire and the sky.

I bow to heaven and earth in the same way with folded hands.

Kaśyapa, the creator, was worshiped by Sāma and Varuṇa.

They are worshiped by the gods, sages and planets in all the worlds.

And I always offer my obeisances with gratitude to the masters of Yoga.

I offer my obeisances to the seven hosts and also to the seven worlds.

I offer my obeisances to Svayambhuva, the Brahman, the eye of Yoga.

They worshiped the hosts of the Pitris who supported the moon and who worshiped the idols of Yoga.

Thus I offer my obeisances to Soma, the father of the worlds.

I offer my obeisances to the forefathers in the form of fire and also to others.

Because this universe is made up of fire and moon in its entirety.

And those who are in the effulgence and those who are in the form of the moon, sun and fire.

and also in the form of the universe and in the form of Brahman.

From all those Yogis, the fathers, with a self-controlled mind.

Obeisances, obeisances, obeisances unto Thee, may the arms of Svadha be pleased.

Mārkaṇḍeya said: Then the great sages of the effulgence were thus praised by the Lord.

The forefathers came out illuminating the ten directions

The offering of flowers, fragrant oils and ointments is also offered.

Then he saw them standing in front of him adorned with these ornaments.

Ruchi bowed down and offered his obeisances with devotion as before.

"Obeisances to you, obeisances to you," he said, taking them separately.

The fathers said: And by this hymn he who praises Me with devotion.

We are satisfied with His pleasures and self-knowledge as well as the best.

Health of body and wealth, sons and grandsons and so on.

We will undoubtedly grant you whatever else you desire

Therefore, men who always desire the meritorious fruits in this world.

And the inexhaustible satisfaction of the ancestors should be praised by human beings with hymns.

Because I should always be praised by those who desire it with this hymn

And in shraddha he who recites this hymn with devotion which pleases us.

They will recite it while standing in front of the arms of the foremost brahmins

Hearing the hymn with pleasure in the presence of others.

Our destruction will undoubtedly be a shraddha

Even if the shraddha is unheard of and if it is destroyed.

If it is done otherwise with money obtained unjustly

The same was done by those who did not deserve to be worshiped and who had been robbed of their beauty

Even untimely or in order or without due process

It may have been done by men out of disbelief or relying on pride

Shraddha is for our satisfaction, however, by uttering this.

Wherever this Shraddha Stotra is recited it brings us happiness.

We are satisfied to be there for twelve years

This gives satisfaction for twelve days in winter.

This auspicious satisfaction hymn is used for twice as many years in winter

In the spring he is satisfied with the ritual of shraddha for sixteen years

And in the sixteenth of the summer, it is satisfying to read this.

Even when the shraddha is performed in a disabled state, it is accomplished by this stotra.

Our satisfaction in the rains is inexhaustible in taste

It is offered at the time of shraddha when it is read in autumn.

This is our fifteenth satisfaction with men.

And in the house in which this is written it remains always.

We will be there in the shraddha for the presence.

Therefore you should eat in front of the brahmins in the shraddha ceremony

O most fortunate one it is worth hearing for our confirmation

O best of ascetics having said this his fathers went to heaven
