
According to the Panchang, Paush Putrada Ekadashi (Ekadashi January 2025) will be celebrated on Friday, January 10, which is also going to be the first Ekadashi of this year. It is believed that by fasting on this Ekadashi, childless couples can get the happiness of having children. In such a situation, some things must be kept in mind on this date, so that your fast is not broken.


keep these things in mind

A devotee observing Ekadashi fast should not consume food, especially rice, even by mistake, as this will break your fast. Instead, you can eat fruits or drink milk. You can also observe a waterless fast on this day according to your faith. After fasting for the whole day on Ekadashi, break your fast the next day i.e. on Dwadashi Tithi.


Rules related to Tulsi

Keep this in mind that on Ekadashi, only satvik things should be offered to Lord Vishnu. Also, Tulsi leaves should be included in his offerings, because according to beliefs, Lord Shri Hari does not accept the offering without Tulsi. But keep this in mind that do not offer water to Tulsi on this day.


Because it is believed that on Ekadashi, Tulsi ji observes a waterless fast for Lord Vishnu. Along with this, Tulsi should not be harmed in any way on Ekadashi and neither should Tulsi leaves be plucked. By doing this your fast can be broken.


Do not do this work even by mistake

On the day of Ekadashi, stay away from arguments and do not bring bad thoughts in your mind. On this day, you should avoid acts like theft, anger and lying, otherwise you will not get the auspicious results of the fast. Although no one should do all these things, but keep these rules in mind especially on the day of Ekadashi.
