
In Sanatan Dharma, Lakshmi Narayana is worshipped on Thursday. Also, Thursday fast is observed for him. On this day, the devotees also worship Devguru Brihaspati. On this auspicious occasion, women take bath and meditate and worship Lakshmi Narayana with devotion. Also, offer coconut, gram lentils, jaggery, ripe bananas, gram flour laddus, yellow flowers etc. to Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi. By observing this fast, all the wishes of the devotee are fulfilled. Also, happiness comes in life. If you also want to get rid of financial crisis, then recite Lakshmi Chalisa during worship on Thursday . Money related problems are quickly resolved by reciting this Chalisa.



Laxmi Chalisa

॥ Soratha॥

This is my prayer, I request with folded hands.

Make everything fragrant in every way, hail mother Jagadamba.

॥ Chaupai ॥

Sindhu Suta I remember you. Give me knowledge, wisdom and knowledge.

There is no one as charitable as you. Please fulfill all my wishes.

Jai Jai mother of the world Jagadamba, you are everyone's support.

You are the one who resides in every heart. This is our main request.

Mother of the world, Jai Sindhu Kumari. You are beneficial to the poor.

I pray to you always, Queen. Kindly bless me, Mother of the world, Bhavani.

How should I praise you? Please remember me and forget your crimes.

Please look at me with kindness. Mother of the world, listen to my request.

Knowledge, wisdom, victory, happiness, remove troubles, our mother.

When Vishnu churned the milky sea. He found fourteen gems in the Indus.

You are the ocean of happiness among the fourteen gems. I served the Lord like a maid.

Wherever God was born, wherever he was, he changed his form and served there.

When Vishnu himself took human form, he took incarnation in Avadhapuri.

Then you appeared in Janakpur. You served me with great joy in my heart.

I have accepted you as my inner self. You are known throughout the world as the Lord of the three worlds.

There is no power as powerful as you. Where should I describe your glory?

I serve with my words and mind. I get the desired result.

Leaving behind deceit, fraud and cleverness, he worshipped in various ways.

And I will tell you the situation. Whoever reads this will get it.

He has no trouble. He gets the result he wants.

Save, save, victory, reliever of suffering. Destroyer of the threefold suffering and bondage of birth and death.

Whoever reads Chalisa, should recite it. Listens to it with attention and narrates it.

So that no disease troubles him. He gets wealth and property like a son etc.

He is childless and has no wealth. He is blind, deaf and leper and very miserable.

Call the Brahmin to recite the scriptures. Never let doubt enter your heart.

He gets Chalisa recited every day. May Gauri Sagar shower his blessings on him.

One gets a lot of wealth and happiness. There is no shortage of anything.

He who worships for all 12 months, there is no one as blessed as him.

I recite this every day in my mind. There is no one like him in the world.

How can I praise you in so many ways? Take the test with concentration.

Having faith in this vow, it becomes successful and love grows in the heart.

Hail Hail Lakshmi Bhavani. May your virtues pervade everyone.

Your brilliance is the strongest in the world. There is no one as kind as you.

Take care of the orphan now. Cut off the trouble and give me devotion.

Please forgive me for my mistakes. Please look at my condition.

Bin vision anxious officer. You are the one who endures heavy suffering.

I do not have knowledge or wisdom in my body. You know everything in your mind.

Taking the form of four arms, now please relieve me of my troubles.

How can I praise myself? Knowledge and wisdom do not exceed me.

॥ doha

Destroyer of suffering, destroyer of all fears.

Jai Jai Jai Lakshmi, destroy the enemy.

Ramdas meditates regularly and prays with full force.

Mother Lakshmi, please have mercy on your servant.
