
The Ashtami Tithi of Krishna Paksha of every month is dedicated to Kaal Bhairav ​​Dev. On this day, Kaal Bhairav ​​Dev, the fierce form of Lord Shiva, is worshipped. Along with this, the Ashtami fast is kept for him. By observing this fast, the devotee gets the desired result. Along with this, all kinds of sorrows and troubles prevailing in life are removed.


Ashtami Tithi of Krishna Paksha is very special for the practitioners of Tantra. On this auspicious occasion, the practitioners do hard devotion of Kaal Bhairav ​​Dev to get special fruits or to get success in any work. Pleased with hard devotion, Kaal Bhairav ​​Dev fulfills every wish of the devotee. Let us know everything about Kalashtami of Falgun month-



Kalashtami auspicious time (Kalashtami Shubh Muhurat)

According to the Vedic calendar, the Ashtami Tithi of Krishna Paksha of Falgun month will start on 20 February at 09:58 am and will end on 21 February at 11:57 am. Kaal Bhairav ​​Dev is worshipped during Nisha Kaal. Hence, Masik Kalashtami will be celebrated on 20 February. At the same time, the worship time during Nisha Kaal is from 12:09 am to 12 am.


Auspicious Yoga

If we believe the astrologers, then on the Kalashtami of Falgun month, there is a combination of Sarvarth Siddhi Yog, Ravi Yog and Shivavas. By worshipping Kaal Bhairav ​​Dev in Sarvarth Siddhi Yog, the devotee will get double the benefits. Also, all the stuck work will be completed. Apart from this, there is a combination of Visakha and Anuradha Nakshatra.



  • Sunrise - at 6:55 am
  • Sunset - 6:15 PM
  • Brahma Muhurta - from 05:14 am to 06:04 am
  • Vijay Muhurat - from 02:28 pm to 03:14 pm
  • Twilight time - from 6:12 pm to 6:38 pm
  • Nishita Muhurta - from 12:09 am to 0:00 am