
New York. US President Joe Biden and Donald Trump competed in the Democratic and Republican primaries on Tuesday. This was the first primary in which Trump was participating after his conviction by the court in Manhattan.

She participated in the primaries of New Mexico, Montana and New Jersey. In the primary voting in New Mexico, votes were also cast in support of Nikki Haley. However, it was below 10 percent. She has dropped out of the race, but her name is still present on the ballot here.

At the same time, there is no one left to compete with him in Montana and New Jersey. Meanwhile, Joe Biden won the primaries in New Mexico, South Dakota, New Jersey, Montana and Washington DC.

However, he faced the anger of some voters upset with his role in Israel. They cast their vote for the uncommitted choice instead of Biden. In the election held in New Jersey, about 35,000 people chose the uncommitted.
