In Sanatan Dharma, Wednesday is dedicated to Lord Ganesha. On this auspicious occasion, Lord Ganesha, the son of Mahadev, the God of Gods, is worshiped. Also, a fast is observed on Wednesday. By observing this fast, money-related problems are removed. Along with this, income and good fortune increase. It is contained in the Sanatan scriptures that the devotees who live under the shelter of Lord Ganesha do not lack anything in life. Along with this, the troubles that come in life also go away. Therefore, the devotees worship Ganpati Bappa with devotion . If you also want to get rid of money-related problems, then worship Ganesha with devotion on Wednesday. At the time of worship, chant these mantras (Ganesh Mantra) according to your zodiac sign.
Chanting mantras according to your zodiac sign
- People of Aries zodiac sign should chant a rosary of 'Om Ganeshvaraya Namah' mantra during worship on Wednesday.
- To get the blessings of Lord Ganesha, people born under Taurus sign should chant the mantra 'Om Ganeshaya Namah'.
- To please Lord Mercury, people born under Gemini zodiac should chant a rosary of the mantra 'Om Ganapataye Namah'.
- To get the blessings of Lord Ganesha, people born under Cancer zodiac sign should chant a rosary of the mantra 'Om Ganapradaya Namah'.
- To please Lord Mercury, people born under Leo zodiac should chant a rosary of the mantra 'Om Ganeshaya Namah'.
- To get success, people of Virgo zodiac should chant the mantra 'Om Gancharaya Namah' on Wednesday.
- People born under Libra zodiac sign should chant a rosary of the mantra 'Om Ganjite Namah' during worship on Wednesday.
- People of Scorpio zodiac should chant the mantra 'Om Gananthay Namah' to get the blessings of Ganpati Bappa.
- Sagittarius natives should chant the mantra 'Om Gunapriyaya Namah' to please Lord Ganesha.
- To get the desired groom, the Capricorn natives should chant a rosary of the mantra 'Om Ganapranay Namah'.
- To get rid of financial crisis, people of Aquarius zodiac should chant the mantra 'Om Ganasenaya Namah'.
- Pisces people should chant five rounds of the mantra 'Om Ganprabhave Namah' during worship on Wednesday.
Do these remedies (Budhwar ke Upay)
If you want to get the desired result, then offer modak and durva to Lord Ganesha during the worship on Wednesday. Chant the mantra of Ganesha 's name at this time. At the same time, after the completion of the worship, donate green colored things according to your financial condition. By doing this remedy, Ganesha is quickly pleased. His blessings shower on the devotee.