Meerut Police Raid on Meat Factory: On the complaint of a Hindu organization in Meerut, the police team raided meat trader and former MP Shahid Akhlaq's factory Al Sakib. During the raid, the police did not find any slaughtering or packaging there and neither did they find any meat. The police took this action after a complaint from a Gauseva organization in Ghaziabad.
Former MP Shahid Akhlaq has a meat factory named Al Sakib located on Hapur Road in Meerut. The Gau Raksha Dal of Ghaziabad informed the police administration that a large quantity of beef is present in the factory. Gau Raksha Dal member Sumit Sharma said that a large quantity of beef is exported from Al Sakib Export Private Limited. It is doing the work of processing and packaging.
He said that recently, a container was recovered in Dadri police station area, which contained beef. All this beef comes from Al Sakib and there is evidence of this. Therefore, there is a need to take strict action against Toru Export Limited and Al Sakib.
Police raided on the information of beef
in the former MP's factory, after which there was a stir in the police administration and the CO and City Magistrate along with heavy police force reached the spot and went inside the factory and inspected the situation, but the police administration neither found any slaughtering taking place in the factory nor any situation of packing of meat.
In this regard, the District Magistrate of Meerut said that during the investigation on the spot, no cutting and packaging for export was found there. Information has been received about the last consignment going from the factory in the month of October. At present, the documents found on the spot and the recordings of the cameras there are being investigated. Any further action will be taken only after the investigation.