Delhi Crime News: The Special Staff Police of Central District in Delhi has busted a big racket of online cricket betting. In this operation, three accused have been arrested, who have been identified as Rohit Mahajan alias Rinku, Nagesh Bhasin and Rajiv Chopra. They are residents of Paharganj area of Delhi. Police have recovered Rs 19.98 lakh cash and many sophisticated equipment from the accused.
DCP M. Harshvardhan said that the accused were using "i-book" software and live streaming devices for online cricket betting. They had organized betting during the Big Bash League cricket matches going on in Australia. Accused Rohit Mahajan has been involved in betting cases earlier as well and two cases under the Gambling Act are already going on against him.
Information about online betting on cricket was received from sources
The DCP said that the Special Staff Police had received information from secret sources about an online betting racket on cricket matches in Motia Khan. On which a raid team was formed, which included Inspector Rohit Kumar, SI Deepak, ASI Sanjeev, ASI Pramod, HC Munesh Sharma, HC Amarjeet, HC Rohitash, Constable Anil, Constable Surajpal and female head constable Sunita.
The team recovered the cash worth Rs 20 lakh and ultramodern equipment
based on information received from sources and raided the hideout of the accused and nabbed them. Apart from the cash worth about Rs 20 lakh, six mobile phones, a laptop, a Samsung tablet and a cash counting machine have been recovered from the spot.
Police said that accused Rohit is the organizer of this betting, while Rajiv Chopra is the owner of the betting den, betting activities were being organized in his flat. In this case, police have registered a case against the accused under the Gambling Act and arrested them. Further investigation is going on.