Bihar News: A very shocking incident has come to light from Bhagalpur, Bihar. The incident of disappearance of dead bodies from graves has come to light in the area. This incident is from Asarfarnagar of Sanhaula police station area of Kahalgaon subdivision. Here, smugglers are running away from the graveyard of Nadiama village in the dark of the night by cutting off the heads of buried bodies. Some dead bodies are missing along with the whole body, while the smugglers took away only the heads of some bodies.
It is being said that most of the skeletons buried in the graveyard and stolen had died due to lightning. Bodies buried in that area have been stolen from their graves for the last five years. Despite complaints from the villagers, no action is being taken in this regard.
What is the allegation of the villagers?
Villagers say that after every such incident, a written complaint is made to the local police station but till date the criminals and bone smugglers behind this inhumane crime have not been caught. Villagers
said that this is a centuries old cemetery of Asrafnagar-Nadiama of Panchayat Fazilpur Sakrama of Sanhaula block. People of minority community of three to four villages come here to bury the dead bodies.
Several bodies stolen from graves in Bhagalpur in the last 5 years.
The villagers said that the grave of the woman whose head was cut off and taken away by unidentified persons on Sunday-Monday night was the grave of Mohammed Badrujamma's mother. Badru had buried his mother five and a half months back. During the last five years, the smugglers dug up the graves of Mohammed Mukhtar's mother-in-law, Mohid's wife, Mohammed Mohid, Aashiq Ali's wife and then escaped.
Last Monday, the villagers went to the cemetery to express their anger in protest against this incident. At the same time, questions are being raised on the police's inaction in this case.