
Aligarh News: A case of conversion has come to light from Aligarh's Kotwali Iglas area. A Muslim boy changed his name and trapped a Hindu girl in his love trap and pressured her to convert. When the girl opposed this, the accused threatened to make her objectionable video viral on social media. When the people of Karni Sena got wind of this, the people of Karni Sena took the victim Hindu girl with them to the office of SP Rural and demanded strict action against the accused Muslim boy.

Taking cognizance of the complaint, SP Rural ordered the area police to take action against the accused boy. The state president of Karni Sena warned of a fierce agitation if the accused Muslim boy is not arrested within two to three days. Karni Sena said that if the accused is not arrested, the law will also be violated and without listening to the police administration, such Jihadis will be caught and taught a lesson by them.


Karni Sena demands action

in the case of love jihad. Thakur Gyanendra Singh Chauhan, the state president of Karni Sena, said that a case related to love jihad came to his notice in Iglas area. He had taken the victim Hindu girl with him to the SP Rural's office. Where a Muslim boy, changing his name to Sameer, lured the Hindu girl and took her with him. During this, after taking her with him, he mixed intoxicants in her food and drinks and had physical relations with her several times. 


Also, an obscene video of them having physical relations was made. Due to which the victim came under his pressure. He told the Hindu girl that the entire Hindu society is with her. Due to which he met the rural Superintendent of Police and demanded that a case be registered against the accused Muslim boys and they be arrested. SP Amrit Jain said that the accused should be arrested and sent to jail as soon as possible. 


What did the police say in the matter?

Giving information about the whole matter, Iglas Area Officer Rajiv Dwivedi said that the whole matter is of Kotwali Iglas area where a girl had given a complaint letter against an accused, on which the police took action by registering a case against the accused, after which a complaint letter was given once again and a case was registered for the second time. The whole matter is being investigated. Legal action will be taken. The police has said that the case on which the protest is being held is quite old.
