Aries- Will increase interest in new activities. You will be overwhelmed with the love of your relatives. Will maintain the mindset of moving forward quickly in influential matters. Will carry forward important works. Will be interested in creative endeavours. The personal performance will improve. It can make a new beginning. I will increase communication with those responsible. Credit and respect will increase. I will meet professionals and seniors. There will be activity in contracts. Speech and behaviour will be effective. You will get attractive offers. There will be opportunities for financial gain. Will keep the promise.
Lucky numbers: 7 and 9
Auspicious colour: bright red
Taurus- In work, efforts will be made to achieve goals with prudence and alertness. Will control the budget and system. Will increase vigilance in transactions. Will not be tempted by greed. Will keep distance from white collar thugs. Will be patient. Investment work will get strengthened. Will be comfortable with relatives. Will improve mutual relationships. Will be ahead in fulfilling the responsibility. Increase vigilance in work. Keep clarity in transactions. Will be ahead in charity show off. Judicial matters will gain momentum. Will be cautious in foreign matters. Will avoid borrowing.
Lucky number: 2 6 7 9
Auspicious colour: Mud colour
Gemini- The work of economic gain and expansion will be done in favor. Will increase coordination with elders. There will be compatibility all around. Will take advantage of positivity. Opportunities for meetings will increase. Courage and bravery will remain. Will maintain a big target. You will get good offers. Senior people will be helpful. Friends will increase courage. There is a possibility of travel. Will give impetus to the best topics. Contact will remain better in commercial matters. Will perform well in various fields. Career and business will be on the mend. Remarkable success is possible.
Lucky numbers: 2, 5 and 7
Auspicious colour: Jaggery-like
Cancer- Managerial efforts will be in favour. Will achieve goals related to power and administration. You will get support from the officers. Will remain better in discussions. There will be a thought of taking risks. Position and prestige will be strengthened. Various efforts will be in favour. The percentage of work success will remain high. There will be compatibility in various matters. Profit will be on the rise. Will move forward on the strength of confidence and skill. There will be an exchange of good information. Will maintain focus. Don't come in a hurry. Ancestral work will be done. Ancestral work will be done.
Lucky number: 2 7 9
Auspicious colour: Cherry red
Leo- It is a fortunate time. Courage and bravery will promote the desired results. Will increase religious spiritual activities. Financial matters will be better. There will be an emphasis on professional education. Will emphasize on important tasks. There will be an increase in cooperation. There will be auspiciousness everywhere. There will be compatibility. Will increase implementation of plans. Commercial trade will increase. You will get impressive results. Will move forward with faith and belief. Will be successful in achieving long-term goals. We will proceed with preparation by making an agenda.
Lucky number: 1 2 7 9
Auspicious colour: Deep red
Virgo- Maintain alertness in physical activities. Do not ignore health signs. You will continue to move forward with wisdom and ease. Will pay attention to the suggestions of loved ones. Will keep emphasis on health. Avoid risky efforts. There will be support from family members. Be honest in your eating habits. Do not compromise with health. Keep your distance from strangers. Avoid carelessness. Avoid ignoring the rules. Do not get into arguments. Proceed with thought and preparation. Don't be stubborn in a hurry. Contingency may persist.
Lucky number: 1 2 5 7
Auspicious colour: Leaf colour
Libra- Will increase tolerance and coordination in joint efforts. There will be thoughts of capitalizing on important opportunities. Will move forward with alertness and activeness. Collective matters will improve. Will maintain momentum in career business. The success percentage will improve. The proposals will get support. Stability will be strengthened. The system will be strong. Will maintain it wisely. Auspiciousness and ease will increase in marriage. Will live happily with loved ones. Will maintain integrity in food. Will be successful in achieving the target. Land-building work will be completed rapidly.
Lucky number: 2 6 7
Auspicious colour: Khaki
Scorpio- Employed people will perform well. Efforts will be improved in the career and service sectors. Maintain pace in important subjects. Work responsibilities can be increased. Maintain ease in relationships. Maintain positive performance in career business. Avoid loan transactions. Will make space with hard work. There will be a possibility of expected success. Will be cautious at work. Hard work will be maintained. Rules will increase discipline. Will work with understanding and caution. Management will be compatible. Keep a check on expenditure and investment.
Lucky number: 7 8 9
Auspicious colour: Chili Red
Sagittarius- Will spend time with friends with great enthusiasm. Vivek will maintain a sense of humility and training. Enthusiasm and morale will remain high. Interest in studies will remain. Will keep the advice learned. Will respect elders. Personal activism will increase. Will work wisely. Will remain focused on the goal. Confidence in financial matters will increase. Will increase alertness and vigilance. Important matters will be decided in your favour. Sanskar will gain momentum. Will remain effective in competition. Youth will perform better. Will be able to win through intelligence.
Lucky Number: 2 3 7 9
Auspicious colour: Vermillion red
Capricorn- Family members will maintain a feeling of support and cooperation. Coordination with loved ones will increase. Morale will remain high in personal matters. Will maintain spontaneity in emotional display. There will be an increase in happiness. The management and administration side will be better. Will increase discipline. Will maintain professionalism. Personal matters will be in your favour. There will be momentum in the work business. Interest in personal life will increase. Closeness to family will increase. There will be a rise in construction and vehicle matters. Avoid stubborn haste. Emphasize harmony.
Lucky number: 2 7 8 9
Auspicious colour: dark brown
Aquarius- Important and work travel is possible. Sociality and positivity will be on edge. You will spend time enthusiastically with your relatives. Will maintain courage and bravery. Social co-operation will remain. Will bring continuity in the work field. Will join religious events. There will be happiness in the family. Will be better in commercial endeavours. Keep moving forward without hesitation. Will share necessary information. Will remain close to relatives. Will be interested in contact communication. Will get success in business. Will be able to keep important points.
Lucky Number: 2 7 8 9
Lucky Color: Wheat
Pisces- Family members will increase help. There will be happiness and prosperity in the house. Will promote grandeur and values. There will be an increase in wealth. Various matters will be in favour. You will get attractive offers. Will increase connections with blood relatives. Will be involved in auspicious work. Desired results will be achieved in the economic field. Will maintain integrity. Will spend time happily. There will be performance opportunities. Will show speed. There will be smooth relations with the entire family. Will keep pace with traditional business. Will give importance to moral values. Guest will arrive.
Lucky Number: 2 3 7 9
Auspicious colour: golden