
New Delhi. The waste product that is formed after the metabolism of purine in the body is called uric acid. When its quantity increases in the body or it is not able to come out of the body in sufficient quantity, then it starts accumulating on the joints in the form of increased uric acid crystals, due to which a problem like gout may have to be faced. Purine either enters the body through food or the body itself produces it. It is not possible to take a completely purine free diet and purine is also produced in the body by itself, so the question arises whether it is possible to avoid gout in such a situation?

If you are also looking for the answer to this question, then let us tell you that the answer is yes! It is absolutely possible to avoid gout. However, in some serious cases, medicines are definitely needed, but eating right nutrition has a very important role in this. Let us know which foods can reduce uric acid-

Curry leaf

It is an excellent source of folate. Some research proves that consuming folate reduces the amount of uric acid.


Guava, an excellent source of vitamin C, is also known to reduce uric acid. By including it in the diet, high uric acid can be avoided.


Turmeric is a popular spice used in Indian cuisine. Turmeric, rich in anti-inflammatory properties, prepares the body to fight increased uric acid levels.

Flax Seeds

Flax seeds or linseeds, which are rich in omega three fatty acids, also reduce the increased uric acid levels.


Rich in anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, ginger contains anti-inflammatory agents called gingerol and shogaol, which are known to reduce uric acid levels.


Lemon, which is rich in vitamin C, turns into alkaline after entering the body, due to which calcium carbonate starts forming in the body. This calcium forms a bond with uric acid and breaks it into water and other compounds. This makes the blood less acidic and the amount of uric acid in the body also decreases.
